Treballs Fi de Grau per a l'Enginyeria Matemàtica en Ciència de Dades, curs 2024-25
(Ordenats per data d'introducció)

Núm Títol Director Grup Data introducció
1057 Development of a narrative-based Mixed Reality experience for 4 users to foster synchronous movement between the users. Narcis Pares Full-Body Interaction Laboratory 19/07/2024
1055 Ray Tracing, Global Illumination, Neural Radiance Fields Ricardo Marques Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives (GTI) 08/07/2024
1050 How Biased is your Large Language Model? An intersectional assessment of LLMs. Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 01/07/2024
1049 PureTech Engines Predictive Maintenance Federico Heras Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 26/06/2024
1048 Mobile Data Challenge Telefonica Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 25/06/2024
1044 Rodalinets: building a digital twin for a public transportation system Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 25/06/2024
1046 Information system app-based for a data-intensive application in the fotovoltaic sector. Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 25/06/2024
1047 Development of a Generative IA to manage data on construction projects Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 25/06/2024
1045 Optimització i predicció dels consums d'energia elèctrica en una Comunitat Energètica Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 25/06/2024
1043 BCI to predict human cognition with real-time EEG Salvador Soto-Faraco (; Mireia Torralba ( Multisensory Research Group 21/06/2024
1039 Flexible calibration tool for a set of HTC Vive trackers in a Mixed Reality environment. Narcís Parés Full-Body Interaction Laboratory 19/06/2024
1040 Computational evaluation of synchronicity of four users in a Mixed Reality experience using Time Series of system data. Narcís Parés Full-Body Interaction Laboratory 19/06/2024
1041 Computational complexity and algorithms Victor Dalmau Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 19/06/2024
1036 Frequency Following Response (FFR): A window into how the brain encodes auditory stimuli Núria Sebastián Gallés Grup de Recerca en Adquisició i Percepció de la Parla (SAP) 18/06/2024
864 Developmental models of language learning (reverse engineering) Núria Sebastián Grup de Recerca en Adquisició i Percepció de la Parla (SAP) 18/06/2024
1037 Video quality assessment on new codecs with VR Devices Javi Brines Garcia Video projects and streaming technologies 18/06/2024
938 Aplicacions de l'encriptació completament homomórfica Vanesa Daza, Carla Ràfols Wireless and Secure Communications (WiSeCom) 13/06/2024
1035 AI-Driven Precise Gripping and Manipulation Using Robotics Hands and MoveIT2 Abdussalam Alajami Grup de Recerca Ubica lab (Ubiquitous Computing Applications Laboratory) 13/06/2024
1031 A simulator for assessing the mechanical behavior of a bio-printed tube embedded with cardiomyocytes. Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 27/05/2024
1030 Developing an Explainable AI model for predicting adverse events post-cardiac surgery in pediatric Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) patients Bart Bijnens; Patrica Garcia Cañadilla Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 24/05/2024
910 Data visualization and graphical user interface for the performance of future wireless technologies Josep Font-Segura; Alfonso Martinez Grup de Recerca en Teoria de la Informació i la Codificació 13/05/2024
1033 Software toolkit for efficient numerical computation of the performance of future wireless technologies Josep Font-Segura; Alfonso Martinez Grup de Recerca en Teoria de la Informació i la Codificació 13/05/2024
1029 Shape analysis of the cardiac chambers and vessels in congenital heart disease Gabriel Bernardino, Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 23/04/2024
318 Desenvolupament del pla de negoci d'una APPS o servei WEB.. Jordi Bosch i Garcia. Projectes relacionats amb gestió, empresa i innovació 10/04/2024
388 Pla de Negoci d'una APP JORDI BOSCH Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 10/04/2024
390 Desenvolupar el pla de negoci d'una APP JORDI BOSCH Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 10/04/2024
698 Desenvolupament del pla de negoci d'una APP o servei DIGITAL JORDI BOSCH Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 10/04/2024
1024 Aplicacion de ciencia de datos a los datos clínicos recogidos en la historia clínica electrónica Pablo Villoslada Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 06/10/2023
1023 Artificial consciousness Javier A. Galadí Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 04/10/2023
1019 TFG Chatbot design for a customer service Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 14/09/2023
1020 TFG Bottom-up crowd application for a public transportation system Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 14/09/2023
1021 TFG Learning Management System with advanced features Miquel Oliver Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 14/09/2023
1018 Traductor de Modelos de Comportamiento Vladimir Estivill-Castro Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 11/09/2023
885 Software for Jigsaw Collaboration Davinia Hernández-Leo ( Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 21/08/2023
1017 Millores a la aplicació web Pyramid App Davinia Hernández-Leo Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 21/08/2023
1013 Asistente de lectura de noticias por voz Carles Martin Badell Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 14/07/2023
1008 Food Glorious Food: Automatic Generation of Food Image Descriptions Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 06/07/2023
1010 TXT <=> SQL : Large Language Models and Relational Databases Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 06/07/2023
1004 Customizable Text Simplification: Adapting text to target audiences Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 05/07/2023
1006 Best Captions: Captioning your images for more impact Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 05/07/2023
985 Pulmonary vein characterization for left atrial appendage thrombus prediction Supervisors: Marta Saiz, Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
981 Machine learning for the detection of electroencephalogram patterns Salvador Soto-Faraco (Centre of Brain and Cognition,, Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
988 Generation of virtual population of electrophysiological simulations of ventricular tachycardia patients and characterisation with machine learning techniques Álvaro Bocanegra (, Rafael Sebastian (Universitat de València) Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
982 Development of a web-based tool for editing and quality-checking automatic 3D medical image segmentations Ainhoa M. Aguado (, Àngel Herrero ( Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
987 Longitudinal analysis of electrocardiography data for effective ablation site identification in ventricular arrhythmia cases Álvaro Bocanegra (, Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
983 Interactive, web-based visualisation of catheter-based transeptal puncture for planning cardiological interventions Andy L. Olivares, Jordi Mill, Ainhoa M. Aguado Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
984 Septal motion classification from echocardiographic data Marta Saiz (, Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
989 Viability analysis of new applications of microwave imaging and sensing for medical diagnosis Marta Guardiola (Miwendo,, Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
990 Proof of concept of a new medical device based on microwaves for detecting the window of implantation for improving in vitro fertilization procedures Marta Guardiola (Miwendo,, Oscar Camara, Miguel Ángel González Ballester Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
991 Viability analysis of 3D-printed personalised cardiac devices in structural heart interventions Dabit Arzamendi, Abdel H. Moustafa (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau) Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
993 Comprehensive and structured database for patients with aortic pathology to develop image analysis tools based on machine learning Cesar Acebes (, Antonio Barros (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau) Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
994 AI-driven coronary artery segmentation for improved invasive coronary angiography Oscar Camara, Cesar Acebes, Dabit Arzamendi (Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau) Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
995 Analysis of Cardiac Perfusion Sequences with AI Oscar Camara, Marian Iglesias, Martin Descalzo, Matias Calandrelli Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
996 Clinical database, imaging server and front-end connection for machine-learning-based analysis of heart data in the hospital Oscar Camara, César Acebes Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
1000 Development of text-to-3D pipeline based on generative AI for the creation of virtual populations of 3D meshes representing human organs Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
1001 Inter-species analysis of atrial morphology from high-resolution data Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2023
980 Quantum Machine Learning for Healthcare - quantum inspired tensor networks Miguel A. González Ballester ( Grup de Recerca Simulation, Imaging and Modelling for Biomedical Systems(SIMBioSys) 16/06/2023
979 Quantum Machine Learning for Healthcare - quantum generative models Miguel A. González Ballester ( Grup de Recerca Simulation, Imaging and Modelling for Biomedical Systems(SIMBioSys) 16/06/2023
974 Simulation and visualization of lichens growth in cultural heritage 3D models Imanol Muñoz Pandiella Intelligent Multimodal Vision Analysis (IMVA group) 31/05/2023
975 Visualization and Analysis of Multispectral Images of Cultural Heritage Imanol Muñoz Pandiella Intelligent Multimodal Vision Analysis (IMVA group) 31/05/2023
972 Deep Learning-based pipeline for automated analysis of fetal echo biometry images Ainhoa M. Aguado -; Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 31/05/2023
973 Machine learning-based estimation of fetal gestational age based on ultrasound images Sergio Sánchez Martínez -; Ainhoa M. Aguado; Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 31/05/2023
968 TFG Proposals UPF-GTI (graphics) 23-24 Depending on the proposal and the student Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives (GTI) 24/05/2023
967 A patient information application for pregnancy follow-up of a fetus with congenital heart disease Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 23/05/2023
962 Deep learning model from diffusion weighted imaging Juan Domingo Gispert (Fundació Pasqual Maragall), Oscar Camara (DTIC-UPF) Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 18/05/2023
963 Optimization of Tau PET quantification pipelines Juan Domingo Gispert (Fundació Pasqual Maragall), Oscar Camara (DTIC-UPF) Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 18/05/2023
964 Estimation of variability propagation in amyloid PET quantification Juan Domingo Gispert (Fundació Pasqual Maragall), Oscar Camara (DTIC-UPF) Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 18/05/2023
808 Design and development of mini-games or narrative scripts embedded in social media Davinia Hernández-Leo, Emily Theophilou, René Lobo, Roberto Sánchez Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 10/05/2023
959 Honeypots (indústria 4.0, salut,...) Xavier Galceran Esteve Projectes relacionats amb gestió, empresa i innovació 06/10/2022
958 Honeypots (indústria 4.0, salut,...) Xavier Galceran Esteve Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 06/10/2022
954 Self heterogenous Ground-Air UGAV navigation Abdussalam Alajami Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 29/09/2022
955 Ground robot indoor phone fetching and localization Abdussalam Alajami Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 29/09/2022
953 Development of a web-based visualisation and annotation tool for electrocardiographic recordings analysis Àngel Herrero, Ainhoa Aguado, Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 13/09/2022
951 Semantic segmentation of the ventricles in 3D echocardiographic images Gabriel Bernardino, Oscar Camara, Marta Saiz Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 06/09/2022
947 Detecting Irony in Social Interactions in Spanish Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 19/07/2022
945 Classification of myocardial hypertrophy aetiologies with cine cardiac magnetic resonance imaging using machine learning Martín Descalzo, Matías Calandrelli (Hospital de Sant Pau), Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2022
946 In-house deployment of coronary artery segmentation algorithms including post-processing, automated measurements and connection with PACS Abdel Hakim Mustafa, Rubén Leta, César Acebes (Hospital Sant Pau), Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 01/07/2022
931 Translating Catalan into Pictograms Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 01/06/2022
928 Your Rubbish, Your Responsibility: Citizen Science for Assessing and Improving the Public Space Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 01/06/2022
872 Ciencia Ciudadana, Ciencia de datos y Educación: aplicación de técnicas de extracción y análisis de datos para entender mejor la práctica de la Ciencia Ciudadana Patricia Santos ( Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 27/05/2022
925 Symbolic library for computation with multivectors Alfonso Martinez; Josep Font-Segura Grup de Recerca en Teoria de la Informació i la Codificació 26/05/2022
921 Neuronal synchronization using the Kuramoto model Ernest Montbrió Grup de Recerca en Dinàmica Neuronal (Ernest Montbrió) 20/05/2022
739 Large-scale oscillations in populations of excitatory and inhibitory neurons Ernest Montbrió Grup de Recerca en Dinàmica Neuronal (Ernest Montbrió) 20/05/2022
915 Mathematical models of networks of coupled oscillators: Chimera states, fractals and beyond Ralph Andrzejak Ralph Andrzejak / Nonlinear Time Series Analysis (NTSA) 17/05/2022
916 Analysis of intracranial EEG recordings from epilepsy patients Ralph Andrzejak Ralph Andrzejak / Nonlinear Time Series Analysis (NTSA) 17/05/2022
912 Water, energy and gas pattern consumption analysis Manuel Portela Charnejovsky Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 14/05/2022
913 GeoData citizen participation protocol with anonymization and aggregation methods Manuel Portela Charnejovsky Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 14/05/2022
914 GeoData Mining for urban injustice pattern detection Manuel Portela Charnejovsky Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 14/05/2022
911 Youtube, TikTok, Instagram and Twitter: Analyzing cross-platform political campaigns and hate speech in Social Media. Diego Sáez Trumper Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 13/05/2022
909 Sexist language in popular culture Carlos Castillo Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 12/05/2022
906 mineria de dades geotemporals, big data i ciència de dades per a la gestió de l'aigua (geo-temporal data mining, big data, and data science for water management) Vladimir Estivill-Castro Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 10/05/2022
905 Data analytics supporting enhanced learning activities: indicators, techniques, visualizations, dashboards and automatic features Davinia Hernández-Leo, Ishari Amarasinghe, Max Dieckmann, Patricia Santos, Khadija El Aadmi Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 10/05/2022
899 How Sustainable is your Tweet? Tracking Sustainable Development Goals on the Web Horacio Saggion ( Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 19/11/2021
822 A case study of community analytics Davinia Hernández-Leo Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 19/07/2021
869 Deep learning methods for MRI coil channel optimization Gaspar Delso (GE Healthcare), Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 09/06/2021
868 Sexual violence representation in online news Carlos Castillo Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 04/06/2021
865 Audio-visual congruency perception effect on cortical entrainment to speech Núria Sebastián Grup de Recerca en Adquisició i Percepció de la Parla (SAP) 28/05/2021
845 Discrimination and bias in online services Carlos Castillo Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 11/05/2021
846 X-PCI vessel quantification and visualisation Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
848 Visualisation & analysis tools for X-PCI data Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
849 Computational model of the fetal heart with congenital heart diseases. Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
850 Modeling Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension Bart Bijnens Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
851 Deep-learning-based delineation of fetal Doppler echocardiographic images Bart Bijnens, Guillermo Jimenez-Perez Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
852 Deep-learning-based quantification of M-Mode images Bart Bijnens, Guillermo Jimenez-Perez Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
853 Relating genotypic and phenotypic factors in hypertrophic patients using machine learning Bart Bijnens, Guillermo Jimenez-Perez Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
854 Optimising information fusion in Unsupervised Multiple Kernel Learning. Bart Bijnens, Mariana Antunes Nogueira Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
855 Improving the interpretability of a labour monitoring and decision-support user interface. Bart Bijnens, Mariana Antunes Nogueira Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
856 Topological Data Analysis Bart Bijnens, Pablo-Miki Martí Castellote Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
857 Extension of PHATE to allow data fusion Bart Bijnens, Pablo-Miki Martí Castellote Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
858 Improving efficiency: downsampling or low-rank approximation methods Bart Bijnens, Pablo-Miki Martí Castellote Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
859 Comparing MKL-DR with other multiview methods Bart Bijnens, Pablo-Miki Martí Castellote Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
860 MKL-DR with echocardiographic images Bart Bijnens, Pablo-Miki Martí Castellote Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 11/05/2021
828 Practical learning and inference in probabilistic graphical models Vicenç Gómez Grup de Recerca en Intel·ligència Artificial (AI) 05/05/2021
589 Predicting monkey's decisions using neuronal recordings Rubén Moreno Bote Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience (TCN) 05/05/2021
772 Parallel and sequential computation in neuronal networks Rubén Moreno Bote Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience (TCN) 05/05/2021
827 Blockchain applications (scholarships available) Miquel Oliver/Fabio della Valle Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) 04/05/2021
826 Decision making in cell phone apps Rubén Moreno Bote Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience (TCN) 04/05/2021
823 Simulador de xarxes socials en-línia VLADIMIR ESTIVILL CASTRO Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 21/01/2021
824 Simulador del sistema immunitàri utilitzant agents intel.ligents VLADIMIR ESTIVILL CASTRO Grup de Recerca en Ciència Web i Computació Social (WSSC) 21/01/2021
817 Criptografia aplicada / Ciberseguretat Xavier Salleras Wireless and Secure Communications (WiSeCom) 02/08/2020
814 Extensión de plataforma educativa de proyectos de aprendizaje Maker Patricia Santos (, Nicolas Gutierrez () Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 21/07/2020
806 Disseny i programació d'un plugin per exportar dissenys d'aprenentatge d'edCrumble a edX Laia Albó ( Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 23/06/2020
805 Disseny i programació d'un plugin per exportar dissenys d'aprenentatge d'edCrumble a Moodle Laia Albó ( Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 23/06/2020
796 Avaluació automàtica d'interpretacions musicals en l'ámbit de l'educació Xavier Serra Grup de Recerca en Tecnologia Musical (MTG) 09/06/2020
800 Supercomputing application project Ricard Borrell ( i Albert Gutiérrez ( Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 09/06/2020
789 Animació web de programacions didàctiques a partir d'analítiques de dades Laia Albó ( Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Interactives i Distribuïdes per a l`Educació (TIDE) 31/05/2020
778 3D reconstruction of the left atria from multiple 2D images Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 28/05/2020
781 Detection of ectopic focus in the heart with machine learning on a large virtual population of electrophysiological simulations obtained from HPC-based solvers Oscar Camaram Álvaro Bocanegra Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 28/05/2020
774 Augmented reality and mobile-based digitalization, processing, classification and visualization of electrocardiograms in a real-world clinical environment Oscar Camara Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 28/05/2020
755 Adding IMAGES / VIDEOS to 360 panoramas. Francis Casado Altres projectes no inclosos en cap grup de recerca 30/07/2019
749 Comparing Quantum Computation to Classical Machine Learning and Computation in the Brain Xerxes D. Arsiwalla Brain, Consciousness & Intelligent Systems Research 23/06/2019
746 Controllability of Non-linear Dynamical Systems and Brain Networks Xerxes D. Arsiwalla Brain, Consciousness & Intelligent Systems Research 23/06/2019
747 Applying Theories of Consciousness to Whole-Brain Models Xerxes D. Arsiwalla Brain, Consciousness & Intelligent Systems Research 23/06/2019
748 How the Brain Learns Models of the World Using Neuronal Variability Xerxes D. Arsiwalla Brain, Consciousness & Intelligent Systems Research 23/06/2019
745 Computing the Complexity of Consciousness in Biology and AI Xerxes D. Arsiwalla Brain, Consciousness & Intelligent Systems Research 17/06/2019
717 Extending KOLUMBA Accessible e-mail Client Horacio Saggion Grup de Recerca en Tractament Automàtic del Llenguatge Natural (TALN) 16/07/2018
690 Virtual and augmented reality platform for left atrial appendage occlusion device implantation Oscar Camara, Jordi Mill, Mario Ceresa Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 30/05/2018
694 Study of the inter-relation between structural and functional brain integrity measures in neurodegenerative diseases from magnetic resonance images Deborah Pareto (Vall d`Hebron), Gemma Piella Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 30/05/2018
681 Development of user interface for a web platform for anatomical and electrophysiological cardiac data processing and visualization Oscar Camara, Etelvino Silva, Àngel Herrero Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 15/12/2017
310 Extension of a full-body Mixed Reality experience for children in the autism spectrum. Narcís Parés Full-Body Interaction Laboratory 12/07/2013
782 Segmentation and morphological analysis of fetal and neonatal brains in normal and abnormal infants Oscar Camara, Mireia Alenyà, Gemma Piella, Miguel Ángel González Ballester Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 00/00/0000
692 Machine learning tools for risk prediction of thrombus formation and occluder device selection in left atrial appendages Oscar Camara, Jordi Mill, Xabier Morales Grup de Recerca PhySense (Sensing in Physiology and Biomedicine) 00/00/0000